在蒙古薩滿的傳統裡Hese Amiluulah儀式是一種奉獻薩滿鼓的方式。喚醒儀式的主要目的是薩滿喚醒與連接ezen(Ezen是一個地方或一個物體的靈)的對象,使其成為一個薩滿幫手的靈。
一旦你對與你合作受到尊重的靈進行了結合,一定要對鼓靈進行結合,並要求它來找你並成為你的盟友,讓鼓的節奏變得像你的呼吸,心跳一樣自然。讓鼓靈與你合併,而你成為ongod orood(一種改變的意識狀態,協助薩滿的靈佔據了薩滿的身體。)時,你的擊鼓的速度和節奏將由它控制。
您甚至在製作鼓的同時可以進入視覺看見鼓靈進入。 鼓靈可以教你一些特殊的方法是你以前不知道你可以使用薩滿鼓運作在你的薩滿工作上的, – 在這發生時你的鼓靈和你的udha(是薩滿的主要靈性助手,他們通常會協助薩滿以及教導和引導他們。)會一起指導你強大的古老薩滿知識。
The nomads of the vast expanse of the Mongolian steppes shared a vision of the universe and the world of human experience that was characterized by religious concepts, rituals and magical practices that came to be known as shamanism from the word “shaman.”
The shaman was a kind of a priest or medium who acted as a conduit between the human world and the realm of the gods, demons, and spirits of ancestors. A person didn’t choose the profession of shaman but was selected for the job by a messenger from the spirit world.
The arrival of this representative was usually announced by the chosen person’s falling seriously ill or suffering hallucinations which so called shaman illness. A shaman, called in to cure the sick person, would pronounce the patient possessed by a spirit, indicating that he or She had been chosen to be a shaman.
The selected person was initiated by an older shaman of the same tribe into the lore of magic formulas and the songs and dances, which the shaman used to combat the supernatural sources of evil. During the initiation rite, the newly chosen shaman was given a staff Its finial was often carved in the shape of a horse’s head, its lower end in the shape of the hoof, symbolized his mode of transportation. When the new shaman had practiced rituals for a few years, the staff was replaced with a drum. Other paraphernalia of the shaman were successively added to his arsenal such as mirrors, feathers, skull heads, shaman costumes., etc. A shaman who can become qualified must have collected seven spirits staffs to work with them, depending on a messenger from the spirit world to give them different spirit staffs.
Because the shaman did not face the forces of evil by himself. He was assisted by an army of auxiliary spirits that protected the shaman and helped him to avoid the traps set by adversaries from the spirit world. It was the number and might of these helpful spirits that ultimately determined the magic and healing powers of the shaman.
The shaman drum is one of the shaman’s staffs. The drum has its own spirit. Every shaman will understand how to call the drum spirit to make it for himself. The drum sound drives the shaman’s journey. Its rhythm represents the hoof beat of the mount owned by the shaman. You can choose to find a shaman that knows how to connect with the drum spirit to make your own shaman drum or If you want to make a shaman drum by yourself, you must find a shaman with such mana to open a ceremony for you to help you to connect the drum spirit into your drum. Without this step, shaman drum is an instrument rather than a sacred staff.
Hese Amiluulah
In Mongolian shamanic tradition, The ‘Hese Amiluulah’ ritual is a Mongolian way of dedicating a shaman’s drum. the chief aim of awakening rituals is for the shaman to connect with the ezen (are the spirits of a place or of an object) of the object being awakened so that it will become a helper spirit. Once you have made invocations to the spirits you normally honor in your work, be sure to make an invocation to the drum spirit and ask it to come to you and become your ally. Now, if you have not had the drum played in advance, have somebody else play your drum before it becomes bonded with you. Allow the rhythm of the drum to become as natural as your breath, your heartbeat. Allow the drum spirit to merge with you so that the speed and rhythm of your drumming will be controlled by it as you become ongod orood. You may even have a vision of when the drum was being made and the spirit entered into it. The spirit may teach you some special ways you can use the drum for your shamanic work that you did not know before – your drum spirit and your udha (are shamans’ chief helper spirits who will generally assist shamans as well as teaching and instructing them.) together are instructing you in powerful ancient shamanic knowledge when this happens!
Written by Aarti Borǰigin
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