ESPpop Holistic Healing Solutions


The Sacred Masculine.
The one that was the passionate lover, the wise king, the fierce warrior, the sage healer, the visionary mystic, the inventive artist; that was romantic and sexual, independent and co-creative, intelligent and humorous, and above all open.
Open in feeling, in body, in purpose, in truth.
Open. Conscious. Present.
Vulnerability and surrender can only occur as deep as the mirror allows in a relationship and if the mirror is shallow, then it reflects in the depth of penetration that can occur between divine feminine and sacred masculine.
The depth in touching the divine feminine is a reflection of how deep the masculine is willing to he himself feel and experience emotion.
Wanting to penetrate so deeply inside the divine feminine but knowing that the deeper the touch the deeper the feeling, but longing for it and answering this soul deep call, not shy of this deep well of emotion.
It’s not that there is no fear in the sacred masculine, but it isn’t of the deeper parts of life, of connection or of love.
Hearing the wild call of his soul, he is master to none. His allegiance it to his own heart, his truth and to his dreams.
The sacred masculine is not a look, an age, a body or a type.
It is the ability to be present of body and heart, to be open in spirit and feeling, free in soul and mind.
It is kindness merging with strength, passion blending with purpose, sexuality joining with expression, emotion meeting truth and imagination combining with intelligence.
He does not hide from what his heart speaks; he listens with open ear embracing his intuition, knowing that as warrior his instincts are sharp.
He does not run from conflict, knowing that resolution is the traits of Kings.
He will not wall off his heart from the Divine Feminine, feeling that within the flow of her love is eternity. The masculine is as necessary as the feminine, and he rules from equal footing with her.
The sacred masculine does not play games for he holds all others as equal to himself.
He is open and honest in speaking his truth for he knows to hide his voice is to veil his purpose. He has no shame for the love in his heart for he knows to feel is sacred.
He owns his mistakes and his past, but is not a prisoner to its chains. He knows he has the power to choose in each breath he is given and has the ability to carve his life as he decides.
It’s not the ability to dominate others that makes him strong;
it’s the strength he has in helping them rise where his power lies.
The sacred masculine is a force of nature and as a part of nature has a reverence for the natural world and all the creatures in it. His power is purposeful but not harmful and wields a double-edged sword of strength and compassion in equal measure.
His love is a sacred space for himself to grow alone and with a companion in a place of trust, respect and soul connection. He would never lessen another to make himself more.
He is a man who acknowledges his desires, his dreams, his medicine and his deep emotions.
He needs no lineage to be crowned King.
翻譯 by Aarti Borǰigin
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