抗拒手術只會使事情複雜化,然而當我們把自己交給植物靈醫生時,祂會提供祂的萬能愛藥轉變我們。 有時我們可能不喜歡我們所看到的或所經歷的,有時我們會感到無比幸福。 它是關於能夠採取一種沉思的態度,在這種態度中我們敞開心扉,不認同我們腦海中出現的解釋。
Ayahuasca 不會增加思想,事實上,思想會與心和諧相處,並與愛相互協調的為愛服務。 因此,Ayahuasca不會像許多人認為的那樣產生偏執狂,但它可以讓我們超越思想的循環,就好像我們用來連接這些負面思想的膠水被暫時稀釋了,我們將自己從那些我們用它來批判和造成對立的一切想法、信念和句子中分離出來。
Ayahuasca 也不會產生改變的意識狀態,而是使我們有可能從壓力或持續抑鬱等情況在改變的狀態中解套。
並給我們一個獲得可能性去治癒我們創造出的一切瘋狂 。
隨著bufo alvarius(5-MeO-DMT),“旅行者”被沖淡,它超越了所有的二元性和“善”和“惡”的概念,因為沒有什麼可以保護自己,所有的保護都變成了我們完全沒有保護的那一刻的限制才能使我們突然進入創造的無限,
對他們來說,充滿愛的柔和和平的體驗是怯懦和沒有“深入”的代名詞……當他們真正處於生命的最深處時,他們並不“深入”。 ..
To answer this question you first have to look at how you are experiencing your life: do you experience it as a “good trip” or as a “bad trip”? People who experience their life as a bad trip tend to turn to palliative drugs such as cocaine or anxiolytics as a way of temporarily escaping the hell that they consider to be something they are victims of and that has to be saved or solved by something that comes from outside as well. However, when you come across an entheogenic medicine like ayahuasca you can come to understand that you are responsible for the creation of this hell with the way you treat yourself, but you can also come to see that you are not guilty of it and that you can open yourself from your innocence to let love flood you, allowing everything that you need to embrace to emerge in you. When you allow yourself to be overwhelmed by all that you refuse to feel and that you are mistreating in you and you let it come through you in an attitude of surrender and surrender where you let love operate, something wonderful happens, there is a liberation and a catharsis, a metamorphosis of the experience of yourself and of life. However, it is when you fester the struggle that you have in your day to day experience and you kick, that you can experience it as a bad trip. It’s as if you say, I’m not going to the dentist or the doctor because I might have a bad trip. Resisting the operation only complicates things, however when you leave yourself in the hands of the Existence Physician she provides and transforms you with her universal medicine of love. At times you may not like what you see or what you experience and at times you will feel enormously blissful. It is about being able to adopt a contemplative attitude in which you open your heart and do not identify with the interpretations that arise in your mind.
Ayahuasca does not increase the thoughts, in fact the mind harmonises with the heart and becomes attuned to and at the service of love. Therefore ayahuasca does not produce paranoia as many might believe, but it allows you to go beyond the loops of the mind, it is as if the glue with which you have joined them is temporarily diluted and you detach yourself from those ideas, beliefs and sentences with which we judge and compartmentalise everything. Ayahuasca does not produce altered states of consciousness either, but rather makes it possible to detoxify it from altered states such as stress or persistent depression.
There are stories of how people are saved from drowning in a whirlpool when instead of struggling to the surface, they sink to the bottom of the whirlpool and are naturally pulled back to the shore of a new world, refreshed. When we speak of a bad trip, we are not talking about something inherent to an experience or a medicine, but about the attitude towards the experience. Ayahuasca medicine does not have psychotising properties, it does not make you crazy, but it helps you to see how crazy you are, the madness you hold, the lies you believe about yourself and about life that make you suffer, and gives you the possibility to access a creative madness that heals everything. When madness is standardised and normalised and someone tries to break out of it they call them mad, simply because they long to break out of the bondage of the supposed sanity of the strings with which we are tied like rickety bonsais longing to breathe in the air of wild and serene freedom.
With the bufo alvarius the “traveller” is diluted, it goes beyond all duality and the concepts of “good” and “evil” because there is nothing to protect oneself from, all protection becomes a limit in that moment in which you are completely unprotected and you burst into the immensity of creation and that is what people sometimes need to integrate…. they cannot integrate the journey because they don’t want to assume that they became the Journey and that all other isolated “choices” or separations are an illusion in the face of the inevitable outflow into the Cosmic Ocean of Absolute Love and Supreme Ecstasy, they cannot control it, nor can they contain it, the only way is to merge with it in full trust as a total offering to the Universe. To say it was a “good trip” or a “bad trip” in the face of these experiences is very naïve, it is very superficial and even victimising to catalogue and dismiss it in this way, it is to put the power outside and not to assume the transformative capacity of receiving these experiences from deep permission as a transformative medicine. On the other hand, at the other extreme are people who only consider healing and profound those experiences that come close to what could be called a “bad trip”, it is as if they persist in them the false need to live purgatories that free them from their impurities and indignities… for them a soft and peaceful experience full of love is synonymous with cowardice and of not having “gone deep”… when really in the deepest part of their being they are not “deep”…. when really deep within us, beyond the fragmented layers of what we think we are, is the bliss and beauty of the continuous journey of eternal love, a universal orgasm full of waves that we breathe when we surrender to life and stop denying to take it, when we stop refusing to let it in for fear that life will give us a “bad trip”…
Written by Sergio Sanz Navarro
翻譯 by Aarti Borǰigin
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