ESPpop Holistic Healing Solutions
療癒故事,  心理

Ego Trap小我陷阱

If you think it is more “spiritual” to ride a bike to work or use public transportation, but then find yourself judging anyone who drives a car, you’re in an ego trap.

If you think it is more “spiritual” to stop watching television because it rots your brain, but then find yourself judging those who still watch TV, you’re in an ego trap.

If you think it is more “spiritual” to avoid reading gossip, tabloid or news magazines, but then find yourself judging those who do read those things, you’re in an ego trap.

If you think it is more “spiritual” to listen to classical music or soothing nature sounds, but then find yourself judging those who listen to mainstream or pop music, you’re in an ego trap.

If you think it is more “spiritual” to do yoga, become a vegan, buy organic, buy healing crystals, practice reiki, neditate, wear hippie/thrift shop clothing, visit ashrams and read enlightened spiritual books, but then you judge anyone who doesn’t do those things, you’re in an ego trap.

Always be aware of the feeling of superiority, Self-righteous superiority is your biggest clue that you are in an ego trap.
The ego loves to sneak in the back door. It will take a noble idea, like starting up yoga, and then twist it to serve its own ends by making you feel superior to others: you will start to look down on those who are not following your righteous “spiritual” path.

Superiority, judgment and condemnation.
That is the ego trap.



翻譯 by Aarti Borǰigin