“This is how we make the spirits dance. There are many, many xapiripë, not just a few, but thousands, like stars. Some live in the sky, some live under the ground and others live in the high mountains which are full of forests and flowers. We call these sacred places ‘hutu pata’. When the sun is high in the sky, the xapiripë sleep. At dusk, they begin to appear. When we are sleeping, they are dancing.”
“這就是我們使萬物之靈共舞的方式。有很多很多的Xapiripë,不僅是星星,還有數以千計的星星。有些人生活在天空中,有些人生活在地下,而另一些人生活在充滿森林和鮮花的高山中。我們稱這些神聖的地方為“胡圖帕塔”。當太陽在天空高高的時候,Xapiripë入睡。在黃昏時,它們開始出現。我們睡覺時,他們在跳舞。” Yanomami族巫師說道。
Yanomami shamans call the Xapiri (spirits) and perform a healing ritual after ingesting yakoana, a visionary snuff made from the bark of the Virola tree
[Photos by Sebastião Salgado]
翻譯 by Aarti Borǰigin
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