ESPpop Holistic Healing Solutions
眾神的植物,  Ayahuasca草藥之母,  療癒故事


與Ayahuasca合作的Maestro Curandero Alonso del Rio:
[摘自Tawantinsuyo 5.0]
Maestro Curandero Alonso del Rio on serving the medicine of ayahuasca:
“I remember the first [ayahuasca] ceremonies in 1979 very well. After drinking the first ten times I thought I understood everything. After drinking for a year I thought I understood 90% of things. After five years I thought that in reality I only understood 10%. Today, after almost 30 years [30 years at time of writing, now going on 41+ years], I am convinced that I don’t know anything and just now I understand something.”
“Evidently, you learn something after all that time and my knowledge is larger than years ago but comparatively, it is nothing in relation to the intuition of the infinite. What has developed the most in me is not knowledge but the perception of what I do not know, the intuition of the totality.”
“Ayahuasca taught me that to be a true guide of ceremonies, I should not follow the path of being, but of not being. I understood that the more I would want to control a ceremony, the worse it would be. The path was the other way around: in each ritual, to gradually reduce the ego a bit more each time and in this way make it disappear.”
“This is what the medicine wants, not a great personality that ‘is’, but a tiny ego that does not get in the way. Let the medicine work, let the medicine heal, it is the meaning of being a true channel. To know the exact moment to disappear and let her take control. In this path you have to be less in order to be more; if you want to advance, first you have to move backwards.”
“In this time everybody wants everything fast and this path is not like that. A sacred path is for life and it can take 30 years to simply discover that you don’t know anything.”
“So when people come and ask me to teach them, I ask them if they really have time to learn, because many of them imagine this can be assimilated like a technique and in a few months they will travel all around the world conducting ceremonies and getting rich doing it.”
“When someone asks me to teach them the path of medicine and tells me they want to conduct ceremonies, I tell them that many years could go by from the formal request until I could give them the blessing to do it. They look at me then like saying: ‘why so long?’ and they go search for someone else that will initiate them as shamans in three months.”
“There are those of us that followed the teachings of a master for years —traditional training, fasts and months of dieta— and those who took the three-month course. However, the medicine is so generous that it allows healing to arrive through these not so clear channels to many people because there is great necessity.”
“Even so, it is pathetic for these reckless people, because there is not a more disagreeable and precarious role than that of an imposter.”
[Excerpt from Tawantinsuyo 5.0]
翻譯 By Aarti Borǰigin
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