你值得與對的人在一起。You deserve to be with the right person.
Life is short. It’s far too short to be unhappy. For most of us, a long-term relationship is something incredibly special and sacred. It’s something that can bring you an immense amount of happiness, fulfilment, and love – provided it’s with the right person. For this reason, we all want to find that special someone, that person that once we’ve met we just can’t live without. The person who completes us, satisfies us, pushes us to be better, and loves us no matter what.
生命是短暫的。短暫到不值得活在不開心裡。對於我們大多數人來說,與另一個人建立長期的關係是非常特殊和神聖的。它可以帶給你巨大的快樂,滿足感和愛 – 只要是與合適的人在一起。出於這個原因,我們都希望找到那個特別的人,那個我們遇見便不能再失去的人。那個能完整我們,滿足我們的人,促使我們變得更好,以及無論如何都會愛我們的人。
Everyone deserves to be happy, and a big part of that is being with the right person. You deserve to be with someone who listens, someone who cares. You deserve to be with someone who loves you unconditionally.
You deserve to be with someone who’s not afraid to love, and to be loved by you in return.
You deserve to be with someone who doesn’t think that it’s not masculine to be vulnerable, or to express their feelings and emotions. Someone who’s mature and confident enough in themselves to be able to tell you how they feel, to handle things calmly, and to talk out any issues without resorting to anger. You deserve to be with someone who will always remind you that they’ll love you no matter what.
You deserve someone who will be your best friend as well as your lover. Someone who is patient, kind, and caring. Someone who wants to see you all the time, and who’s cool to do absolutely anything as long as the two of you are hanging out – from going to the park for a picnic, to staying in together for the night with a home cooked meal and a bottle of wine.
The reason that you deserve all this is that you’re worth it. You’re worth being with someone who respects you, who loves you for who you really are. You’re worth someone who will show you what it really means to be in love, someone who will never hesitate to tell you how much they love you and how much you mean to them.
Stop giving your love to men who won’t reciprocate it!
There are so many men out there who will let you love them with all your heart, and in return do nothing but lie to you, mess you around, and take you for granted. Don’t settle for some jerk who doesn’t care about you in any kind of meaningful way!
Unconditional love, by its very nature, is love without any terms or conditions – it’s bigger than anything that can happen between the two of you. When we love unconditionally, we often don’t have much control over it. It exists outside of our logical mind, and is based on something far deeper, and far more spiritual.
無條件的愛,就其本質而言,是沒有任何條款或條件的愛 – 它比你們兩個之間可能發生的任何事情都要大。當我們無條件地愛時,我們通常無法控制它。它存在於我們邏輯思維之外,並且基於更深刻,更精神層面的東西。
Unconditional love is an unbreakable bond. It’s an unspoken understanding between two minds, a connection between two souls. If you love someone unconditionally, it should be someone who has nothing but unconditional love for you in return. When you’re capable of holding someone in such high regard, you deserve someone who’s biggest fear is losing you. Someone who would do anything for you, who would go to the ends of the earth if you asked them to.
You deserve all of this, and more. You deserve to be with the right person.
翻譯 by Aarti Borǰigin
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