A soul deep relationship between two people is one of life’s most beautiful experiences. But apart from lighting the fires of passion, an intimate relationship is also an opportunity for both to heal wounds of the past and grow stronger.
兩個人之間靈魂深處的關係是人生最美好的體驗之一。 但除了點燃激情之火之外,親密關係也是一個既能治愈過去的傷口又能變得更強壯的機會。
Everyone enters a relationship with some emotional baggage. Even those who have done the soul work independently and have attracted a relationship-ready partner into their life. That’s because the deepest work is done in partnership with two heart-connected individuals seeing the issues that trigger each other as a gift, or a clue to the healing, rather than an obstacle. And two people who can help each other to heal can also help each other to love more
每個人都帶著一些情感包袱進入關係。 那些已經獨立完成自我靈魂療癒工作並吸引了一個關係準備好的伴侶進入他們的生活的人。 知道最深入的工作是與兩個心靈相連的人在關係之中將相互觸發的問題視為禮物,或者是治療的線索,而不是障礙。 兩個可以互相幫助治癒對方並觸發彼此更多的愛。
翻譯 by Aarti Borǰigin
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